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How to export CircuitMaker PCB to Gerber files and NC Drill File

Generating Gerber file

  1. Open Gerber Setup
    • Click the “ Gerber” Icon
  2. General Setting
    • In the General tab set the Units to Inches and Format to 2:5 (0.01 mill resolution)
  3. Layers Setting
    • In general, there are minimum 8x layers you need to have a PCB fabricated, considering a standard 2 layer PCB. For multiple layers of PCB, these layers may be increased.
      • pcbname.GTL                        Top Copper
      • pcbname.GTS                        Top Solder Mask
      • pcbname.GTO                       Top Silkscreen
      • pcbname.GBL                        Bottom copper
      • pcbname.GBS                        Bottom Solder Mask
      • pcbname.GBO                       Bottom Silkscreen:
      • pcbname.TXT                         Drills
      • pcbname.GML/GKO              Board Outline
      • pcbname.GL2                         Inner Layer2( for ≥4 layer)
      • pcbname.GL3                         Inner Layer3( for ≥4 layer)
    • Please make sure you have a clear outline layer, outline layer or GKO layer can describe the outline. Choose one of them to generate the outline.
  4. Aperture Setting
    • Be sure to mark “ Embedded apertures (RS274X)
  5. Advanced Setting
    • When you make sure all configurations are fine. Please click the OK to generate the Gerber files.
    • Then click OK button, it will generate a zip file.

Generating NC Drill File

  1. Opening NC Drill Setup
    • Click the “ NC Drill Files” Icon
  2. NC Drill Settings
    • Please choose the same units and format parameters as Gerber. Then click OK.
    • Then you get all files. Please put them into a single zip/rar file.