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How to export Eagle 9.2 PCB to Gerber files and NC Drill File

  1. When opening Eagle.brd file and clicking the “CAM processor”, you need to be aware of the option of solder mask layers.
  2. Please uncheck the box of “Negative Polarity” which  is checked by default, shown as below screenshot:
  3. To ensure the correctness and accuracy of the board outline in the profile layer, please check and add BOTH the #Dimension and #Milling into the Profile layer, shown as below:

    • Then you can choose the Gerber RS-247X or RS -247X with comments and click “Process Job” to get the Gerber files.
  4. For multi-layer (more than 4 layers) PCB, if there are buried/blind vias in your boards,  then you need to generate all the drill files by right clicking
    “Drill –>Excellon” and choose “Generate Excellon outputs based on PCB stackup”
    • Then you can “Process Job” and get all the drill files needed.